Source code for panflute.containers

These containers keep track of the identity of the parent
object, and the attribute of the parent object that they correspond to.

# ---------------------------
# Imports
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from import MutableSequence, MutableMapping
from .utils import check_type, encode_dict, debug

# ---------------------------
# Container Classes
# ---------------------------
# These are list and dict containers that
#  (a) track the identity of their parents, and
#  (b) track the parent's property where they are stored
# They attach these two to the elements requested through __getattr__

[docs]class ListContainer(MutableSequence): """ Wrapper around a list, to track the elements' parents. **This class shouldn't be instantiated directly by users, but by the elements that contain it**. :param args: elements contained in the list--like object :param oktypes: type or tuple of types that are allowed as items :type oktypes: ``type`` | ``tuple`` :param parent: the parent element :type parent: ``Element`` :param container: None, unless the element is not part of its .parent.content (this is the case for table headers for instance, which are not retrieved with table.content but with table.header) :type container: ``str`` | None """ # Based on # See also __slots__ = ['list', 'oktypes', 'parent', 'location'] def __init__(self, *args, oktypes=object, parent=None): self.oktypes = oktypes self.parent = parent self.location = None # Cannot be set through __init__ self.list = [] self.extend(args) # self.oktypes must be set first def __contains__(self, item): return item in self.list def __len__(self): return len(self.list) def __getitem__(self, i): if isinstance(i, int): return attach(self.list[i], self.parent, self.location) else: newlist = self.list.__getitem__(i) obj = ListContainer(*newlist, oktypes=self.oktypes, parent=self.parent) obj.location = self.location return obj def __delitem__(self, i): del self.list[i] def __setitem__(self, i, v): if isinstance(i, slice): v = (check_type(x, self.oktypes) for x in v) else: v = check_type(v, self.oktypes) self.list[i] = v
[docs] def insert(self, i, v): v = check_type(v, self.oktypes) self.list.insert(i, v)
def __str__(self): return self.__repr__() def __repr__(self): return 'ListContainer({})'.format(' '.join(repr(x) for x in self.list)) def to_json(self): return [to_json_wrapper(item) for item in self.list]
[docs]class DictContainer(MutableMapping): """ Wrapper around a dict, to track the elements' parents. **This class shouldn't be instantiated directly by users, but by the elements that contain it**. :param args: elements contained in the dict--like object :param oktypes: type or tuple of types that are allowed as items :type oktypes: ``type`` | ``tuple`` :param parent: the parent element :type parent: ``Element`` """ __slots__ = ['dict', 'oktypes', 'parent', 'location'] def __init__(self, *args, oktypes=object, parent=None, **kwargs): self.oktypes = oktypes self.parent = parent self.location = None self.dict = dict() self.update(args) # Must be a sequence of tuples self.update(kwargs) # Order of kwargs is not preserved def __contains__(self, item): return item in self.dict def __len__(self): return len(self.dict) def __getitem__(self, k): return attach(self.dict[k], self.parent, self.location) def __delitem__(self, k): del self.dict[k] def __setitem__(self, k, v): v = check_type(v, self.oktypes) self.dict[k] = v def __str__(self): return self.__repr__() def __repr__(self): return 'DictContainer({})'.format(' '.join(repr(x) for x in self.dict)) def __iter__(self): return self.dict.__iter__() def to_json(self): return {k: to_json_wrapper(v) for k, v in self.dict.items()}
# --------------------------- # Functions # --------------------------- def attach(element, parent, location): if not isinstance(element, (int, str, bool)): element.parent = parent element.location = location else: debug(f'Warning: element "{type(element)}" has no parent') return element def to_json_wrapper(e): if isinstance(e, str): return e elif isinstance(e, bool): return encode_dict('MetaBool', e) else: return e.to_json()