Source code for panflute.elements

Classes corresponding to Pandoc elements

- "ica" is shorthand for "identifier, classes, attributes"

# ---------------------------
# Imports
# ---------------------------

from .utils import check_type, check_group, encode_dict, decode_ica, debug
from .utils import load_pandoc_version, load_pandoc_reader_options
from .containers import ListContainer, DictContainer
from .base import Element, Block, Inline, MetaValue
from .table_elements import (
    Table, TableHead, TableFoot, TableBody, TableRow, TableCell, Caption,
    TABLE_ALIGNMENT, TABLE_WIDTH, table_from_json)

# ---------------------------
# Special Root Class
# ---------------------------


[docs]class Doc(Element): """ Pandoc document container. Besides the document, it includes the frontpage metadata and the desired output format. Filter functions can also add properties to it as means of global variables that can later be read by different calls. :param args: top--level documents contained in the document :type args: :class:`Block` sequence :param metadata: the frontpage metadata :type metadata: ``dict`` :param format: output format, such as 'markdown', 'latex' and 'html' :type format: ``str`` :param api_version: A tuple of three ints of the form (1, 18, 0) :type api_version: ``tuple`` :return: Document with base class :class:`Element` :Base: :class:`Element` :Example: >>> meta = {'author':'John Doe'} >>> content = [Header(Str('Title')), Para(Str('Hello!'))] >>> doc = Doc(*content, metadata=meta, format='pdf') >>> doc.figure_count = 0 # You can add attributes freely """ _children = ['metadata', 'content'] def __init__(self, *args, metadata={}, format='html', api_version=(1, 22)): self._set_content(args, Block) self.metadata = metadata self.format = format # Output format try: self.api_version = tuple(check_type(v, int) for v in api_version) except TypeError: raise TypeError("invalid api version; using an older version of Pandoc?") if len(self.api_version) > 4 or self.api_version[:2] < (1, 22): raise TypeError("invalid api version", api_version) self.pandoc_version = load_pandoc_version() self.pandoc_reader_options = load_pandoc_reader_options() @property def metadata(self): self._metadata.parent = self self._metadata.location = 'metadata' return self._metadata @metadata.setter def metadata(self, value): value = value.content if isinstance(value, MetaMap) else dict(value) self._metadata = MetaMap(*value.items()) def to_json(self): # Overrides default method return { 'pandoc-api-version': self.api_version, 'meta': self.metadata.content.to_json(), 'blocks': self.content.to_json(), }
# --------------------------- # Classes - Empty # ---------------------------
[docs]class Null(Block): """Nothing :Base: :class:`Block` """ __slots__ = [] def to_json(self): return {'t': 'Null'}
[docs]class Space(Inline): """Inter-word space :Base: :class:`Inline` """ __slots__ = [] def to_json(self): return {'t': 'Space'}
[docs]class HorizontalRule(Block): """Horizontal rule :Base: :class:`Block` """ __slots__ = [] def to_json(self): return {'t': 'HorizontalRule'}
[docs]class SoftBreak(Inline): """Soft line break :Base: :class:`Inline` """ __slots__ = [] def to_json(self): return {'t': 'SoftBreak'}
[docs]class LineBreak(Inline): """Hard line break :Base: :class:`Inline` """ __slots__ = [] def to_json(self): return {'t': 'LineBreak'}
# --------------------------- # Classes - Simple Containers # ---------------------------
[docs]class Plain(Block): """Plain text, not a paragraph :param args: contents of the plain block of text :type args: :class:`Inline` :Base: :class:`Block` """ __slots__ = ['_content'] _children = ['content'] def __init__(self, *args): self._set_content(args, Inline) def _slots_to_json(self): return self.content.to_json()
[docs]class Para(Block): """Paragraph :param args: contents of the paragraph :type args: :class:`Inline` :Base: :class:`Block` :Example: >>> content = [Str('Some'), Space, Emph(Str('words.'))] >>> para1 = Para(*content) >>> para2 = Para(Str('More'), Space, Str('words.')) """ __slots__ = ['_content'] _children = ['content'] def __init__(self, *args): self._set_content(args, Inline) def _slots_to_json(self): return self.content.to_json()
[docs]class BlockQuote(Block): """Block quote :param args: sequence of blocks :type args: :class:`Block` :Base: :class:`Block` """ __slots__ = ['_content'] _children = ['content'] def __init__(self, *args): self._set_content(args, Block) def _slots_to_json(self): return self.content.to_json()
[docs]class Emph(Inline): """Emphasized text :param args: elements that will be emphasized :type args: :class:`Inline` :Base: :class:`Inline` """ __slots__ = ['_content'] _children = ['content'] def __init__(self, *args): self._set_content(args, Inline) def _slots_to_json(self): return self.content.to_json()
[docs]class Strong(Inline): """Strongly emphasized text :param args: elements that will be emphasized :type args: :class:`Inline` :Base: :class:`Inline` """ __slots__ = ['_content'] _children = ['content'] def __init__(self, *args): self._set_content(args, Inline) def _slots_to_json(self): return self.content.to_json()
[docs]class Underline(Inline): """Underlined text :param args: elements that will be underlined :type args: :class:`Inline` :Base: :class:`Inline` """ __slots__ = ['_content'] _children = ['content'] def __init__(self, *args): self._set_content(args, Inline) def _slots_to_json(self): return self.content.to_json()
[docs]class Strikeout(Inline): """Strikeout text :param args: elements that will be striken out :type args: :class:`Inline` :Base: :class:`Inline` """ __slots__ = ['_content'] _children = ['content'] def __init__(self, *args): self._set_content(args, Inline) def _slots_to_json(self): return self.content.to_json()
[docs]class Superscript(Inline): """Superscripted text (list of inlines) :param args: elements that will be set superscript :type args: :class:`Inline` :Base: :class:`Inline` """ __slots__ = ['_content'] _children = ['content'] def __init__(self, *args): self._set_content(args, Inline) def _slots_to_json(self): return self.content.to_json()
[docs]class Subscript(Inline): """Subscripted text (list of inlines) :param args: elements that will be set suberscript :type args: :class:`Inline` :Base: :class:`Inline` """ __slots__ = ['_content'] _children = ['content'] def __init__(self, *args): self._set_content(args, Inline) def _slots_to_json(self): return self.content.to_json()
[docs]class SmallCaps(Inline): """Small caps text (list of inlines) :param args: elements that will be set with small caps :type args: :class:`Inline` :Base: :class:`Inline` """ __slots__ = ['_content'] _children = ['content'] def __init__(self, *args): self._set_content(args, Inline) def _slots_to_json(self): return self.content.to_json()
[docs]class Note(Inline): """Footnote or endnote :param args: elements that are part of the note :type args: :class:`Block` :Base: :class:`Inline` """ __slots__ = ['_content'] _children = ['content'] def __init__(self, *args): self._set_content(args, Block) def _slots_to_json(self): return self.content.to_json()
# --------------------------- # Classes - Complex Containers # ---------------------------
[docs]class Div(Block): """Generic block container with attributes :param args: contents of the div :type args: :class:`Block` :param identifier: element identifier (usually unique) :type identifier: :class:`str` :param classes: class names of the element :type classes: :class:`list` of :class:`str` :param attributes: additional attributes :type attributes: :class:`dict` :Base: :class:`Block` """ __slots__ = ['_content', 'identifier', 'classes', 'attributes'] _children = ['content'] def __init__(self, *args, identifier='', classes=[], attributes={}): self._set_ica(identifier, classes, attributes) self._set_content(args, Block) def _slots_to_json(self): return [self._ica_to_json(), self.content.to_json()]
[docs]class Span(Inline): """Generic block container with attributes :param args: contents of the div :type args: :class:`Inline` :param identifier: element identifier (usually unique) :type identifier: :class:`str` :param classes: class names of the element :type classes: :class:`list` of :class:`str` :param attributes: additional attributes :type attributes: :class:`dict` :Base: :class:`Inline` """ __slots__ = ['_content', 'identifier', 'classes', 'attributes'] _children = ['content'] def __init__(self, *args, identifier='', classes=[], attributes={}): self._set_ica(identifier, classes, attributes) self._set_content(args, Inline) def _slots_to_json(self): return [self._ica_to_json(), self.content.to_json()]
[docs]class Quoted(Inline): """Quoted text :param args: contents of the quote :type args: :class:`Inline` :param quote_type: either 'SingleQuote' or 'DoubleQuote' :type quote_type: ``str`` :Base: :class:`Inline` """ __slots__ = ['quote_type', '_content'] _children = ['content'] def __init__(self, *args, quote_type='DoubleQuote'): self.quote_type = check_group(quote_type, QUOTE_TYPES) self._set_content(args, Inline) def _slots_to_json(self): quote_type = {'t': self.quote_type} return [quote_type, self.content.to_json()] def _slots_to_json_legacy(self): quote_type = encode_dict(self.quote_type, []) return [quote_type, self.content.to_json()]
[docs]class Cite(Inline): """Cite: set of citations with related text :param args: contents of the cite (the raw text) :type args: :class:`Inline` :param citations: sequence of citations :type citations: [:class:`Citation`] :Base: :class:`Inline` """ __slots__ = ['_content', '_citations'] _children = ['content', 'citations'] def __init__(self, *args, citations=[]): self._set_content(args, Inline) self.citations = citations # Cannot access citations directly b/c that would mess up .parent @property def citations(self): return self._citations @citations.setter def citations(self, value): value = value.list if isinstance(value, ListContainer) else list(value) self._citations = ListContainer(*value, oktypes=Citation, parent=self) self._citations.location = 'citations' def _slots_to_json(self): return [self.citations.to_json(), self.content.to_json()]
[docs]class Citation(Element): """ A single citation to a single work :param id: citation key (e.g. the BibTeX keyword) :type id: ``str`` :param mode: how will the citation appear ('NormalCitation' for the default style, 'AuthorInText' to exclude parenthesis, 'SuppressAuthor' to exclude the author's name) :type mode: ``str`` :param prefix: Text before the citation reference :type prefix: [:class:`Inline`] :param suffix: Text after the citation reference :type suffix: [:class:`Inline`] :param note_num: (Not sure...) :type note_num: ``int`` :param hash: (Not sure...) :type hash: ``int`` :Base: :class:`Element` """ __slots__ = ['id', 'mode', '_prefix', '_suffix', 'note_num', 'hash'] _children = ['prefix', 'suffix'] def __init__(self, id, mode='NormalCitation', prefix='', suffix='', hash=0, note_num=0): = check_type(id, str) self.mode = check_group(mode, CITATION_MODE) self.hash = check_type(hash, int) self.note_num = check_type(note_num, int) self.prefix = prefix self.suffix = suffix @property def prefix(self): return self._prefix @prefix.setter def prefix(self, value): value = value.list if isinstance(value, ListContainer) else list(value) self._prefix = ListContainer(*value, oktypes=Inline, parent=self) self._prefix.location = 'prefix' @property def suffix(self): return self._suffix @suffix.setter def suffix(self, value): value = value.list if isinstance(value, ListContainer) else list(value) self._suffix = ListContainer(*value, oktypes=Inline, parent=self) self._suffix.location = 'suffix' def to_json(self): # Replace default .to_json ; we don't need _slots_to_json() return { 'citationSuffix': self.suffix.to_json(), 'citationNoteNum': self.note_num, 'citationMode': {'t': self.mode}, 'citationPrefix': self.prefix.to_json(), 'citationId':, 'citationHash': self.hash, } def to_json_legacy(self): # Replace default .to_json ; we don't need _slots_to_json() return { 'citationSuffix': self.suffix.to_json(), 'citationNoteNum': self.note_num, 'citationMode': encode_dict(self.mode, []), 'citationPrefix': self.prefix.to_json(), 'citationId':, 'citationHash': self.hash, }
[docs]class Image(Inline): """ Image :param args: text with the image description :type args: :class:`Inline` :param url: URL or path of the image :type url: ``str`` :param title: Alt. title :type title: ``str`` :param identifier: element identifier (usually unique) :type identifier: :class:`str` :param classes: class names of the element :type classes: :class:`list` of :class:`str` :param attributes: additional attributes :type attributes: :class:`dict` :Base: :class:`Inline` """ __slots__ = ['_content', 'url', 'title', 'identifier', 'classes', 'attributes'] _children = ['content'] def __init__(self, *args, url='', title='', identifier='', classes=[], attributes={}): self._set_ica(identifier, classes, attributes) self._set_content(args, Inline) self.url = check_type(url, str) self.title = check_type(title, str) def _slots_to_json(self): ut = [self.url, self.title] return [self._ica_to_json(), self.content.to_json(), ut]
# --------------------------- # Classes - Text # ---------------------------
[docs]class Str(Inline): """ Text (a string) :param text: a string of unformatted text :type text: :class:`str` :Base: :class:`Inline` """ __slots__ = ['text'] def __init__(self, text): self.text = check_type(text, str) def __repr__(self): return 'Str({})'.format(self.text) def _slots_to_json(self): return self.text
[docs]class CodeBlock(Block): """ Code block (literal text) with optional attributes :param text: literal text (preformatted text, code, etc.) :type text: :class:`str` :param identifier: element identifier (usually unique) :type identifier: :class:`str` :param classes: class names of the element :type classes: :class:`list` of :class:`str` :param attributes: additional attributes :type attributes: :class:`dict` :Base: :class:`Block` """ __slots__ = ['text', 'identifier', 'classes', 'attributes'] def __init__(self, text, identifier='', classes=[], attributes={}): self._set_ica(identifier, classes, attributes) self.text = check_type(text, str) def _slots_to_json(self): return [self._ica_to_json(), self.text]
[docs]class RawBlock(Block): """ Raw block :param text: a string of raw text with another underlying format :type text: :class:`str` :param format: Format of the raw text ('html', 'tex', 'latex', 'context', etc.) :type format: ``str`` :Base: :class:`Block` """ __slots__ = ['text', 'format'] def __init__(self, text, format='html'): self.text = check_type(text, str) self.format = check_group(format, RAW_FORMATS) def _slots_to_json(self): return [self.format, self.text]
[docs]class Code(Inline): """ Inline code (literal) :param text: literal text (preformatted text, code, etc.) :type text: :class:`str` :param identifier: element identifier (usually unique) :type identifier: :class:`str` :param classes: class names of the element :type classes: :class:`list` of :class:`str` :param attributes: additional attributes :type attributes: :class:`dict` :Base: :class:`Inline` """ __slots__ = ['text', 'identifier', 'classes', 'attributes'] def __init__(self, text, identifier='', classes=[], attributes={}): self._set_ica(identifier, classes, attributes) self.text = check_type(text, str) def _slots_to_json(self): ica = self._ica_to_json() return [ica, self.text]
[docs]class Math(Inline): """TeX math (literal) :param text: a string of raw text representing TeX math :type text: :class:`str` :param format: How the math will be typeset ('DisplayMath' or 'InlineMath') :type format: ``str`` :Base: :class:`Inline` """ __slots__ = ['text', 'format'] def __init__(self, text, format='DisplayMath'): self.text = check_type(text, str) self.format = check_group(format, MATH_FORMATS) def _slots_to_json(self): format = {'t': self.format} return [format, self.text] def _slots_to_json_legacy(self): format = encode_dict(self.format, []) return [format, self.text]
[docs]class RawInline(Inline): """Raw inline text :param text: a string of raw text with another underlying format :type text: :class:`str` :param format: Format of the raw text ('html', 'tex', 'latex', 'context', etc.) :type format: ``str`` :Base: :class:`Inline` """ __slots__ = ['text', 'format'] def __init__(self, text, format='html'): self.text = check_type(text, str) self.format = check_group(format, RAW_FORMATS) def _slots_to_json(self): return [self.format, self.text]
# --------------------------- # Classes - Lists # ---------------------------
[docs]class ListItem(Element): """List item (contained in bullet lists and ordered lists) :param args: List item :type args: :class:`Block` :Base: :class:`Element` """ __slots__ = ['_content'] _children = ['content'] def __init__(self, *args): self._set_content(args, Block) def to_json(self): return self.content.to_json()
[docs]class BulletList(Block): """Bullet list (unordered list) :param args: List item :type args: :class:`ListItem` | ``list`` :Base: :class:`Block` """ __slots__ = ['_content'] _children = ['content'] def __init__(self, *args): self._set_content(args, ListItem) def _slots_to_json(self): return self.content.to_json()
[docs]class OrderedList(Block): """Ordered list (attributes and a list of items, each a list of blocks) :param args: List item :type args: :class:`ListItem` | ``list`` :param start: Starting value of the list :type start: :class:`int` :param style: Style of the number delimiter ('DefaultStyle', 'Example', 'Decimal', 'LowerRoman', 'UpperRoman', 'LowerAlpha', 'UpperAlpha') :type style: :class:`str` :param delimiter: List number delimiter ('DefaultDelim', 'Period', 'OneParen', 'TwoParens') :type delimiter: :class:`str` :Base: :class:`Block` """ __slots__ = ['_content', 'start', 'style', 'delimiter'] _children = ['content'] def __init__(self, *args, start=1, style='Decimal', delimiter='Period'): self._set_content(args, ListItem) self.start = check_type(start, int) = check_group(style, LIST_NUMBER_STYLES) self.delimiter = check_group(delimiter, LIST_NUMBER_DELIMITERS) def _slots_to_json(self): style = {'t':} delimiter = {'t': self.delimiter} ssd = [self.start, style, delimiter] return [ssd, self.content.to_json()] def _slots_to_json_legacy(self): style = encode_dict(, []) delimiter = encode_dict(self.delimiter, []) ssd = [self.start, style, delimiter] return [ssd, self.content.to_json()]
[docs]class Definition(Element): """The definition (description); used in a definition list. It can include code and all other block elements. :param args: elements :type args: :class:`Block` :Base: :class:`Element` """ __slots__ = ['_content'] _children = ['content'] def __init__(self, *args): self._set_content(args, Block) def to_json(self): return self.content.to_json()
[docs]class DefinitionItem(Element): """ Contains pairs of Term and Definitions (plural!) Each list item represents a pair of i) a term (a list of inlines) and ii) one or more definitions :param term: Term of the definition (an inline holder) :type term: [:class:`Inline`] :param definitions: List of definitions or descriptions (each a block holder) :type definition: [:class:`Definition`] :Base: :class:`Element` """ __slots__ = ['_term', '_definitions'] _children = ['term', 'definitions'] def __init__(self, term, definitions): self.term = term self.definitions = definitions def __repr__(self): term = self.term definitions = self.definitions return '{}({}: {})'.format(self.tag, term, definitions) @property def term(self): return self._term @term.setter def term(self, value): value = value.list if isinstance(value, ListContainer) else list(value) self._term = ListContainer(*value, oktypes=Inline, parent=self) self._term.location = 'term' @property def definitions(self): return self._definitions @definitions.setter def definitions(self, value): value = value.list if isinstance(value, ListContainer) else list(value) self._definitions = ListContainer(*value, oktypes=Definition, parent=self) self._definitions.location = 'definitions' def to_json(self): return [self.term.to_json(), self.definitions.to_json()]
[docs]class DefinitionList(Block): """Definition list: list of definition items; basically (term, definition) tuples. Each list item represents a pair of i) a term (a list of inlines) and ii) one or more definitions (each a list of blocks) Example: >>> term1 = [Str('Spam')] >>> def1 = Definition(Para(Str('...emails'))) >>> def2 = Definition(Para(Str('...meat'))) >>> spam = DefinitionItem(term1, [def1, def2]) >>> >>> term2 = [Str('Spanish'), Space, Str('Inquisition')] >>> def3 = Definition(Para(Str('church'), Space, Str('court'))) >>> inquisition = DefinitionItem(term=term2, definitions=[def3]) >>> definition_list = DefinitionList(spam, inquisition) :param args: Definition items (a term with definitions) :type args: :class:`DefinitionItem` :Base: :class:`Block` """ __slots__ = ['_content'] _children = ['content'] def __init__(self, *args): self._set_content(args, DefinitionItem) def _slots_to_json(self): return self.content.to_json()
[docs]class LineItem(Element): """Line item (contained in line blocks) :param args: Line item :type args: :class:`Inline` :Base: :class:`Element` """ __slots__ = ['_content'] _children = ['content'] def __init__(self, *args): self._set_content(args, Inline) def to_json(self): return self.content.to_json()
[docs]class LineBlock(Block): """Line block (sequence of lines) :param args: Line item :type args: :class:`LineItem` | ``list`` :Base: :class:`Block` """ __slots__ = ['_content'] _children = ['content'] def __init__(self, *args): self._set_content(args, LineItem) def _slots_to_json(self): return self.content.to_json()
# --------------------------- # Classes - Metadata # ---------------------------
[docs]class MetaList(MetaValue): """Metadata list container :param args: contents of a metadata list :type args: :class:`MetaValue` :Base: :class:`MetaValue` """ __slots__ = ['_content'] _children = ['content'] def __init__(self, *args): args = [builtin2meta(v) for v in args] self._set_content(args, MetaValue) def _slots_to_json(self): return self.content.to_json() def __getitem__(self, i): return self.content[i] def __setitem__(self, i, v): self.content[i] = builtin2meta(v) def append(self, i): self.content.append(i)
[docs]class MetaMap(MetaValue): """Metadata container for ordered dicts :param args: (key, value) tuples :type args: :class:`MetaValue` :param kwargs: named arguments :type kwargs: :class:`MetaValue` :Base: :class:`MetaValue` """ __slots__ = ['_content'] _children = ['content'] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): args = list(args) if kwargs: args.extend(kwargs.items()) args = [(k, builtin2meta(v)) for k, v in args] self._content = DictContainer(*args, oktypes=MetaValue, parent=self) def _slots_to_json(self): return self.content.to_json() @property def content(self): """ Map of :class:`MetaValue` objects. """ return self._content @content.setter def content(self, value): if isinstance(value, dict): value = value.dict.items() self._content = DictContainer(*value, oktypes=MetaValue, parent=self) # These two are convenience functions, not sure if really needed... # (they save typing the .content and converting to metavalues) def __getitem__(self, i): return self.content[i] def __setitem__(self, i, v): self.content[i] = builtin2meta(v) def __contains__(self, i): return i in self.content
[docs]class MetaInlines(MetaValue): """ MetaInlines: list of arbitrary inlines within the metadata :param args: sequence of inline elements :type args: :class:`Inline` :Base: :class:`MetaValue` """ __slots__ = ['_content'] _children = ['content'] def __init__(self, *args): self._set_content(args, Inline) def _slots_to_json(self): return self.content.to_json()
[docs]class MetaBlocks(MetaValue): """ MetaBlocks: list of arbitrary blocks within the metadata :param args: sequence of block elements :type args: :class:`Block` :Base: :class:`MetaValue` """ __slots__ = ['_content'] _children = ['content'] def __init__(self, *args): self._set_content(args, Block) def _slots_to_json(self): return self.content.to_json()
[docs]class MetaString(MetaValue): """ Text (a string) :param text: a string of unformatted text :type text: :class:`str` :Base: :class:`MetaValue` """ # Note: this is the same as the Str class but with a MetaValue parent __slots__ = ['text'] def __init__(self, text): self.text = check_type(text, str) def __repr__(self): return 'MetaString({})'.format(self.text) def _slots_to_json(self): return self.text
[docs]class MetaBool(MetaValue): """ Container for True/False metadata values :param boolean: True/False value :type boolean: :class:`bool` :Base: :class:`MetaValue` """ __slots__ = ['boolean'] def __init__(self, boolean): self.boolean = check_type(boolean, bool) def __repr__(self): return 'MetaBool({})'.format(self.boolean) def _slots_to_json(self): return self.boolean
# --------------------------- # Constants # --------------------------- LIST_NUMBER_STYLES = { 'DefaultStyle', 'Example', 'Decimal', 'LowerRoman', 'UpperRoman', 'LowerAlpha', 'UpperAlpha' } LIST_NUMBER_DELIMITERS = {'DefaultDelim', 'Period', 'OneParen', 'TwoParens'} QUOTE_TYPES = {'SingleQuote', 'DoubleQuote'} CITATION_MODE = {'AuthorInText', 'SuppressAuthor', 'NormalCitation'} # AuthorInText: @foo - as John Doe (1921) said # SupressAuthor: [-@foo] MATH_FORMATS = {'DisplayMath', 'InlineMath'} RAW_FORMATS = {'tex', 'latex', 'html', 'context', 'rtf', 'opendocument', 'noteref', 'openxml', 'icml', 'commonmark', 'creole', 'docbook', 'docx', 'dokuwiki', 'epub', 'fb2', 'gfm', 'haddock', 'ipynb', 'jats', 'json', 'man', 'markdown', 'markdown_github', 'markdown_mmd', 'markdown_phpextra', 'markdown_strict', 'mediawiki', 'muse', 'native', 'odt', 'opml', 'org', 'rst', 't2t', 'textile', 'tikiwiki', 'twiki', 'vimwiki'} SPECIAL_ELEMENTS = LIST_NUMBER_STYLES | LIST_NUMBER_DELIMITERS | \ MATH_FORMATS | QUOTE_TYPES | CITATION_MODE | TABLE_ALIGNMENT | TABLE_WIDTH EMPTY_ELEMENTS = {Null, Space, HorizontalRule, SoftBreak, LineBreak} # --------------------------- # Functions # --------------------------- def _decode_citation(dct): dct = dict(dct) # Convert from list of tuples to dict return Citation(id=dct['citationId'], mode=dct['citationMode'], prefix=dct['citationPrefix'], suffix=dct['citationSuffix'], hash=dct['citationHash'], note_num=dct['citationNoteNum']) def _decode_definition_item(item): term, definitions = item definitions = [Definition(*x) for x in definitions] return DefinitionItem(term=term, definitions=definitions) # _res_func is a dict from key to a function # which is going to eat `c` # to be used in from_json below _res_func = { 'Str': Str, 'MetaBool': MetaBool, 'MetaString': MetaString, # ignore c 'Null': lambda c: Null(), 'Space': lambda c: Space(), 'HorizontalRule': lambda c: HorizontalRule(), 'SoftBreak': lambda c: SoftBreak(), 'LineBreak': lambda c: LineBreak(), # eat *c instead 'Plain': lambda c: Plain(*c), 'Para': lambda c: Para(*c), 'BlockQuote': lambda c: BlockQuote(*c), 'Emph': lambda c: Emph(*c), 'Strong': lambda c: Strong(*c), 'Underline': lambda c: Underline(*c), 'Strikeout': lambda c: Strikeout(*c), 'Superscript': lambda c: Superscript(*c), 'Subscript': lambda c: Subscript(*c), 'SmallCaps': lambda c: SmallCaps(*c), 'Note': lambda c: Note(*c), 'MetaList': lambda c: MetaList(*c), 'MetaInlines': lambda c: MetaInlines(*c), 'MetaBlocks': lambda c: MetaBlocks(*c), # other cases 'Div': lambda c: Div( *c[1], **decode_ica(c[0]) ), 'Span': lambda c: Span( *c[1], **decode_ica(c[0]) ), 'Header': lambda c: Header( *c[2], level=c[0], **decode_ica(c[1]) ), 'Quoted': lambda c: Quoted( *c[1], quote_type=c[0] ), 'Link': lambda c: Link( *c[1], url=c[2][0], title=c[2][1], **decode_ica(c[0]) ), 'Image': lambda c: Image( *c[1], url=c[2][0], title=c[2][1], **decode_ica(c[0]) ), 'CodeBlock': lambda c: CodeBlock( text=c[1], **decode_ica(c[0]) ), 'RawBlock': lambda c: RawBlock( text=c[1], format=c[0] ), 'Code': lambda c: Code( text=c[1], **decode_ica(c[0]) ), 'Math': lambda c: Math( text=c[1], format=c[0] ), 'RawInline': lambda c: RawInline( text=c[1], format=c[0] ), 'Cite': lambda c: Cite( *c[1], citations=[_decode_citation(dct) for dct in c[0]] ), 'BulletList': lambda c: BulletList(*[ListItem(*item) for item in c]), 'OrderedList': lambda c: OrderedList( *[ListItem(*item) for item in c[1]], start=c[0][0], style=c[0][1], delimiter=c[0][2] ), 'DefinitionList': lambda c: DefinitionList(*[_decode_definition_item(item) for item in c]), 'LineBlock': lambda c: LineBlock(*[LineItem(*item) for item in c]), 'ColWidth': lambda c: c, 'Table': table_from_json, 'MetaMap': lambda c: MetaMap(*c.items()), } def from_json(data): # Metadata key (legacy) if 'unMeta' in data: assert len(data) == 1 return MetaMap(*data['unMeta'].items()) # Document (new API) if 'pandoc-api-version' in data: assert len(data) == 3 api = data['pandoc-api-version'] meta = data['meta'] items = data['blocks'] return Doc(*items, api_version=api, metadata=meta) # Metadata contents (including empty metadata) if 't' not in data: return data # Standard cases # Depending on the API we will have # - New API: ('t', 'Space') # - Old API: ('t', 'Space'), ('c', []) assert (len(data) == 1) or (len(data) == 2 and 'c' in data) tag = data['t'] c = data.get('c') # This was slow previously because of the huge if then # use a dict for O(1) lookup if tag in _res_func: return _res_func[tag](c) elif tag in SPECIAL_ELEMENTS: return tag else: raise NotImplementedError(f'Unknown tag: {tag}') # similar idea to _res_func above # eat val _builtin_to_meta_func = { Block: MetaBlocks, Inline: MetaInlines, bool: MetaBool, str: MetaString, float: lambda val: MetaString(str(val)), int: lambda val: MetaString(str(val)), list: lambda val: MetaList(*[builtin2meta(x) for x in val]), dict: lambda val: MetaMap(*[(k, builtin2meta(v)) for k, v in val.items()]), } def builtin2meta(val): type_ = type(val) if type_ in _builtin_to_meta_func: return _builtin_to_meta_func[type_](val) # support subclassed builtins. see for builtin_type, meta_func in _builtin_to_meta_func.items(): if isinstance(val, builtin_type): return meta_func(val) return val