Source code for

I/O related functions

# ---------------------------
# Imports
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from .elements import Element, Doc, from_json, ListContainer

# These will get modified if using Pandoc legacy (<1.8)
from .elements import (Citation, Table, OrderedList, Quoted,
                       Math, EMPTY_ELEMENTS)

import io
import os
import sys
import json
import codecs  # Used in sys.stdout writer
from functools import partial

# ---------------------------
# Functions
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[docs]def load(input_stream=None): """ Load JSON-encoded document and return a :class:`.Doc` element. The JSON input will be read from :data:`sys.stdin` unless an alternative text stream is given (a file handle). To load from a file, you can do: >>> import panflute as pf >>> with open('some-document.json', encoding='utf-8') as f: >>> doc = pf.load(f) To load from a string, you can do: >>> import io >>> raw = '[{"unMeta":{}}, [{"t":"Para","c":[{"t":"Str","c":"Hello!"}]}]]' >>> f = io.StringIO(raw) >>> doc = pf.load(f) :param input_stream: text stream used as input (default is :data:`sys.stdin`) :rtype: :class:`.Doc` """ if input_stream is None: input_stream = io.TextIOWrapper(sys.stdin.buffer, encoding='utf-8') # Load JSON and validate it doc = json.load(input_stream, object_hook=from_json) # Notes: # - The hook gets called for dicts (not lists), and the deepest dicts # get called first (so you can ensure that when you receive a dict, # its contents have already been fed to the hook). # Compatibility: # - As of Pandoc 1.9, JSON input is a dict: # {"pandoc-api-version" : [MAJ, MIN, REV], # "meta" : META, "blocks": BLOCKS} # Corner cases: # - If META is missing, 'object_hook' will receive an empty list # Output format format = sys.argv[1] if len(sys.argv) > 1 else 'html' # API Version assert isinstance(doc, Doc) doc.format = format return doc
[docs]def dump(doc, output_stream=None): """ Dump a :class:`.Doc` object into a JSON-encoded text string. The output will be sent to :data:`sys.stdout` unless an alternative text stream is given. To dump to :data:`sys.stdout` just do: >>> import panflute as pf >>> doc = pf.Doc(Para(Str('a'))) # Create sample document >>> pf.dump(doc) To dump to file: >>> with open('some-document.json', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: >>> pf.dump(doc, f) To dump to a string: >>> import io >>> with io.StringIO() as f: >>> pf.dump(doc, f) >>> contents = f.getvalue() :param doc: document, usually created with :func:`.load` :type doc: :class:`.Doc` :param output_stream: text stream used as output (default is :data:`sys.stdout`) """ if not isinstance(doc, Doc): msg = f'panflute.dump needs input of type "panflute.Doc" but received one of type "{type(doc).__name__}"' raise TypeError(msg) if output_stream is None: sys.stdout = codecs.getwriter("utf-8")(sys.stdout.detach()) output_stream = sys.stdout json_serializer = lambda elem: elem.to_json() output_stream.write(json.dumps( obj=doc, default=json_serializer, # Serializer check_circular=False, separators=(',', ':'), # Compact separators, like Pandoc ensure_ascii=False # For Pandoc compat ))
[docs]def toJSONFilters(*args, **kwargs): """ Wrapper for :func:`.run_filters` """ return run_filters(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]def toJSONFilter(*args, **kwargs): """ Wrapper for :func:`.run_filter`, which calls :func:`.run_filters` toJSONFilter(action, prepare=None, finalize=None, input_stream=None, output_stream=None, \*\*kwargs) Receive a Pandoc document from stdin, apply the *action* function to each element, and write it back to stdout. See also :func:`.toJSONFilters` """ return run_filter(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]def run_filters(actions, prepare=None, finalize=None, input_stream=None, output_stream=None, doc=None, walk_inlines=True, **kwargs): r""" Receive a Pandoc document from the input stream (default is stdin), walk through it applying the functions in *actions* to each element, and write it back to the output stream (default is stdout). Notes: - It receives and writes the Pandoc documents as JSON--encoded strings; this is done through the :func:`.load` and :func:`.dump` functions. - It walks through the document once for every function in *actions*, so the actions are applied sequentially. - By default, it will read from stdin and write to stdout, but these can be modified. - It can also apply functions to the entire document at the beginning and end; this allows for global operations on the document. - If ``doc`` is a :class:`.Doc` instead of ``None``, ``run_filters`` will return the document instead of writing it to the output stream. :param actions: sequence of functions; each function takes (element, doc) as argument, so a valid header would be ``def action(elem, doc):`` :type actions: [:class:`function`] :param prepare: function executed at the beginning; right after the document is received and parsed :type prepare: :class:`function` :param finalize: function executed at the end; right before the document is converted back to JSON and written to stdout. :type finalize: :class:`function` :param input_stream: text stream used as input (default is :data:`sys.stdin`) :param output_stream: text stream used as output (default is :data:`sys.stdout`) :param doc: ``None`` unless running panflute as a filter, in which case this will be a :class:`.Doc` element :type doc: ``None`` | :class:`.Doc` :param \*kwargs: keyword arguments will be passed through to the *action* functions (so they can actually receive more than just two arguments (*element* and *doc*) """ load_and_dump = (doc is None) if load_and_dump: doc = load(input_stream=input_stream) if prepare is not None: prepare(doc) for action in actions: if kwargs: action = partial(action, **kwargs) doc = doc.walk(action, doc=doc, walk_inlines=walk_inlines) if finalize is not None: finalize(doc) if load_and_dump: dump(doc, output_stream=output_stream) else: return(doc)
[docs]def run_filter(action, *args, **kwargs): """ Wrapper for :func:`.run_filters` Receive a Pandoc document from stdin, apply the *action* function to each element, and write it back to stdout. See :func:`.run_filters` """ return run_filters([action], *args, **kwargs)