Source code for panflute.table_elements

Classes corresponding to Pandoc Table elements

# ---------------------------
# Imports
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from .utils import decode_ica, check_group, check_type, check_type_or_value, encode_dict, debug
from .containers import ListContainer
from .base import Element, Block, Inline

# ---------------------------
# Classes
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[docs]class Table(Block): """Table, composed of a table head, one or more table bodies, and a a table foot. You can also specify captions, short captions, column alignments, and column widths. Example: >>> x = [Para(Str('Something')), Para(Space, Str('else'))] >>> c1 = TableCell(*x) >>> c2 = TableCell(Header(Str('Title'))) >>> row = TableRow(c1, c2) >>> >>> body = TableBody(row) >>> head = TableHead(row) >>> caption = Caption(Para(Str('Title'))) >>> table = Table(body, head=head, caption=caption) TODO: UPDATE EXAMPLE TODO: OFFER A SIMPLE WAY TO BUILD A TABLE, with e.g. .alignments and .widths :param args: Table bodies :type args: :class:`TableBody` :param head: Table head :type head: :class:`TableHead` :param foot: Table foot :type foot: :class:`TableFoot` :param caption: The caption of the table (with optional short caption) :type caption: :class:`Caption` :param colspec: list of (alignment, colwidth) tuples; one for each column :type colspec: :class:`list` of (:class:`Alignment`, :class:`ColWidth`) :param identifier: element identifier (usually unique) :type identifier: :class:`str` :param classes: class names of the element :type classes: :class:`list` of :class:`str` :param attributes: additional attributes :type attributes: :class:`dict` :Base: :class:`Block` :param alignment: List of row alignments (either 'AlignLeft', 'AlignRight', 'AlignCenter' or 'AlignDefault'). :type alignment: [:class:`str`] :param colwidth: Fractional column widths :type colwidth: [:class:`float` | "ColWidthDefault"] """ __slots__ = ['_content', '_head', '_foot', '_caption', 'colspec', 'identifier', 'classes', 'attributes', 'cols'] _children = ['head', 'content', 'foot', 'caption'] def __init__(self, *args, head=None, foot=None, caption=None, colspec=None, identifier='', classes=[], attributes={}): self._set_ica(identifier, classes, attributes) self._set_content(args, TableBody) self.caption = caption self._set_table_width() # also fills in colspec if it's empty self.head = head self.foot = foot # Colspec is a list of (alignment, width) tuples # TODO: add validation to colspec self.colspec = [(check_group(a, TABLE_ALIGNMENT), check_type_or_value(w, (float, int), 'ColWidthDefault')) for (a, w) in colspec] if colspec else [('AlignDefault', 'ColWidthDefault')] * self.cols self._validate_colspec() def _set_table_width(self): self.cols = 0 if self.content and self.content[0].content: self.cols = count_columns_in_row(self.content[0].content[0].content) # Table -> First TableBody -> IntermediateBody -> First Row def _validate_cols(self, block): if not len(block.content): return block_cols = count_columns_in_row(block.content[0].content) if not self.cols: self.cols = block_cols elif self.cols != block_cols: msg = f'\n\nInvalid number of columns in table {block.location}.' msg += f'Expected {self.cols} but received {block_cols}\n' raise IndexError(msg) def _validate_colspec(self): if self.cols != len(self.colspec): msg = '\n\nInvalid number of colspec tuples.' msg += 'Expected {} but received {}\n'.format(self.cols, len(self.colspec)) raise IndexError(msg) @property def head(self): return self._head @head.setter def head(self, value): self._head = check_type(value, TableHead) if value else TableHead() self._head.parent = self self._head.location = 'head' self._validate_cols(self.head) @property def foot(self): return self._foot @foot.setter def foot(self, value): self._foot = check_type(value, TableFoot) if value else TableFoot() self._foot.parent = self self._foot.location = 'foot' self._validate_cols(self.foot) @property def caption(self): return self._caption @caption.setter def caption(self, value): self._caption = check_type(value, Caption) self._caption.parent = self self._caption.location = 'caption' def _slots_to_json(self): ica = self._ica_to_json() caption = self.caption.to_json() colspec = [[{'t': a}, colspec_to_json(c)] for a, c in self.colspec] head = self.head.to_json() bodies = [body._slots_to_json() for body in self.content] foot = self.foot.to_json() return [ica, caption, colspec, head, bodies, foot]
[docs]class TableHead(Block): """ The head of a table, containing a one or more head rows, plus optional attributes :param row: head rows :type row: :class:`str` :param identifier: element identifier (usually unique) :type identifier: :class:`str` :param classes: class names of the element :type classes: :class:`list` of :class:`str` :param attributes: additional attributes :type attributes: :class:`dict` :Base: :class:`Block` """ __slots__ = ['_content', 'identifier', 'classes', 'attributes'] _children = ['content'] def __init__(self, *args, identifier='', classes=[], attributes={}): self._set_ica(identifier, classes, attributes) self._set_content(args, TableRow) def to_json(self): return [self._ica_to_json(), self.content.to_json()]
[docs]class TableFoot(Block): """ The foot of a table, containing a one or more foot rows, plus optional attributes :param row: foot rows :type row: :class:`str` :param identifier: element identifier (usually unique) :type identifier: :class:`str` :param classes: class names of the element :type classes: :class:`list` of :class:`str` :param attributes: additional attributes :type attributes: :class:`dict` :Base: :class:`Block` """ __slots__ = ['_content', 'identifier', 'classes', 'attributes'] _children = ['content'] def __init__(self, *args, identifier='', classes=[], attributes={}): self._set_ica(identifier, classes, attributes) self._set_content(args, TableRow) def to_json(self): return [self._ica_to_json(), self.content.to_json()]
[docs]class TableBody(Block): """ Body of a table, containing a list of intermediate head rows, a list of table body rows, row_head_columns, plus optional attributes :param row: head rows :type row: :class:`str` :param head: Intermediate head (list of table rows) :type head: :class:`list` of :class:`TableRow` :param row_head_columns: number of columns on the left that are considered column headers (default: 0) :type row_head_columns: class:`int` :param identifier: element identifier (usually unique) :type identifier: :class:`str` :param classes: class names of the element :type classes: :class:`list` of :class:`str` :param attributes: additional attributes :type attributes: :class:`dict` :Base: :class:`Block` """ __slots__ = ['_content', '_head', 'row_head_columns', 'identifier', 'classes', 'attributes'] _children = ['content', 'head'] def __init__(self, *args, head=None, row_head_columns=0, identifier='', classes=[], attributes={}): self._set_ica(identifier, classes, attributes) self._set_content(args, TableRow) self.head = head self.row_head_columns = check_type(row_head_columns, int) @property def head(self): return self._head @head.setter def head(self, value): if value: value = value.list if isinstance(value, ListContainer) else list(value) else: value = [] self._head = ListContainer(*value, oktypes=TableRow, parent=self) self._head.location = 'head' def _slots_to_json(self): return [self._ica_to_json(), self.row_head_columns, self.head.to_json(), self.content.to_json()]
[docs]class TableRow(Element): """ Table Row :param args: cells :type args: :class:`TableCell` :param identifier: element identifier (usually unique) :type identifier: :class:`str` :param classes: class names of the element :type classes: :class:`list` of :class:`str` :param attributes: additional attributes :type attributes: :class:`dict` :Base: :class:`Element` """ __slots__ = ['_content', 'identifier', 'classes', 'attributes'] _children = ['content'] def __init__(self, *args, identifier='', classes=[], attributes={}): self._set_ica(identifier, classes, attributes) self._set_content(args, TableCell) def to_json(self): return [self._ica_to_json(), self.content.to_json()]
[docs]class TableCell(Element): """ Table Cell :param args: elements :type args: :class:`Block` :param alignment: row alignment (either 'AlignLeft', 'AlignRight', 'AlignCenter' or 'AlignDefault'). :type alignment: :class:`str` :param rowspan: number of rows occupied by a cell (height of a cell) :type rowspan: :class:`int` :param colspan: number of columns occupied by a cell (width of a cell) :type colspan: :class:`int` :param identifier: element identifier (usually unique) :type identifier: :class:`str` :param classes: class names of the element :type classes: :class:`list` of :class:`str` :param attributes: additional attributes :type attributes: :class:`dict` :Base: :class:`Element` """ __slots__ = ['_content', 'alignment', 'rowspan', 'colspan', 'identifier', 'classes', 'attributes'] _children = ['content'] def __init__(self, *args, alignment='AlignDefault', rowspan=1, colspan=1, identifier='', classes=[], attributes={}): self._set_ica(identifier, classes, attributes) self._set_content(args, Block) self.alignment = check_group(alignment, TABLE_ALIGNMENT) self.rowspan = rowspan self.colspan = colspan if (self.rowspan <= 0): raise TypeError('Cell rowspan must be positive') if (self.colspan <= 0): raise TypeError('Cell colspan must be positive') def to_json(self): return [self._ica_to_json(), {'t': self.alignment}, self.rowspan, self.colspan, self.content.to_json()]
[docs]class Caption(Element): """ Table caption with optional short caption :param args: caption :type args: :class:`Block` :param short_caption: Short caption :type short_caption: :class:`list` of :class:`Inline` :param identifier: element identifier (usually unique) :Base: :class:`Element` """ __slots__ = ['_content', '_short_caption'] _children = ['content', 'short_caption'] def __init__(self, *args, short_caption=None): self._set_content(args, Block) self.short_caption = short_caption def to_json(self): short_caption = None if self.short_caption is None else self.short_caption.to_json() return [short_caption, self.content.to_json()] @property def short_caption(self): return self._short_caption @short_caption.setter def short_caption(self, value): if value: value = value.list if isinstance(value, ListContainer) else list(value) self._short_caption = ListContainer(*value, oktypes=Inline, parent=self) self._short_caption.location = 'short_caption' else: self._short_caption = None
# --------------------------- # Constants # --------------------------- TABLE_ALIGNMENT = {'AlignLeft', 'AlignRight', 'AlignCenter', 'AlignDefault'} TABLE_WIDTH = {'ColWidthDefault'} # --------------------------- # Functions # --------------------------- def count_columns_in_row(row): return sum(cell.colspan for cell in row) def colspec_to_json(c): return {'t': c} if c == 'ColWidthDefault' else encode_dict('ColWidth', c) def cell_from_json(c): return TableCell(*c[4], alignment=c[1], rowspan=c[2], colspan=c[3], **decode_ica(c[0])) def row_from_json(c): return TableRow(*map(cell_from_json, c[1]), **decode_ica(c[0])) def body_from_json(c): row_head_columns = c[1] head = map(row_from_json, c[2]) body = map(row_from_json, c[3]) return TableBody(*body, head=head, row_head_columns=row_head_columns, **decode_ica(c[0])) def table_from_json(c): # Attr Caption [ColSpec] TableHead [TableBody] TableFoot ica = decode_ica(c[0]) caption = Caption(*c[1][1], short_caption=c[1][0]) colspec = c[2] head = TableHead(*map(row_from_json, c[3][1]), **decode_ica(c[3][0])) bodies = map(body_from_json, c[4]) foot = TableFoot(*map(row_from_json, c[5][1]), **decode_ica(c[5][0])) return Table(*bodies, head=head, foot=foot, caption=caption, colspec=colspec, **ica)